Mike and Terry's
Back Yard Barbeque Bash 08/03/03
Saint Paul Minnesota
Introduction – Joe
Certain Love
A Vegas Story
If You Loved Here
Come Down Here
All Day Sing and Dinner on the Ground
Good Bread Good Meat Good God Lets Eat
Happy Campers
In the Distance
Wild Ride
Honeysuckle Breeze
Deeper in the Heart
in the Desert
River of Sorrow
Boogie Woogie/Dust on the Bible
Hawaiian Love Song….Banter
Bad Indigestion
Three Legged Dog
Why is the Devil Red
- encore-
Breathe Deep (with the “band”)
Crushing Hand
Artwork for Live CDs courtesy of Jiminy. There are two Word docs and two .ncd files – they work with Nero Express for the discs themselves. If you don't have Nero, than they probably wont work for you. I didn't have time to do anything yet, and JimiNy wanted to help out. Thanks Jim!
More Photos Courtesy of:
Commander Cote all photos starting with DSC00
Slappedhard all photos starting with FELLO~
JimInY and BigDork all other photos (they are
all mixed up )